A Tanach Tour of the Land of Israel

Welcome to the homepage of our A Tanach Tour of the Land of Israel program, which we held on Sunday December 26, 2021!
We offered 11 30-minute sessions about Israeli sites featured in Tanach!
The program was sponsored by Sarena and David Koschitzky, in memory of Riva Koschitzky z”l.

Our program was entirely on Zoom.
We broadcast the sessions on Youtube Live as well:
A video recording of the morning is available here.
A video recording of the afternoon is available here.
Audio recordings of many sessions are available at YUTorah.org as well, here.

Table of Contents

Our Event Trailer!
List of Classes and Dedications
On-Line Donation Options
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Our Event Trailer!



The List of Classes

To dedicate a specific class from this list, please email rbendayan@torontotorah.com.
To make a general donation of any amount, please go here, and write “Tanach” and your dedication text (optional) in the memo option.


Time Program Speaker Dedication
9:30-10:00 AM Mount Grizim & Mount Eval:
Mountains, Blessings and Curses
R’ Jared Anstandig
Dedicated by Rina and Irving Gottesman
in honour of our grandchildren,
Ezra, Ariella, Jackson, Tyler and Dylan.
May they be blessed with always wanting to learn more.

Dedicated by Harry Hochman
Thank you to Rabbi Torczyner.
Your sessions are a pleasure!

Dedicated by Ted Beyda
in memory of Robert Raymond Beyda ראובן בן שארלוט
with fondest memories and heartfelt love

10:00-10:30 AM Jordan River:
Out of Egypt, Into Israel
R’ Steven Gotlib
Dedicated by Dalia and Farokh Hakimi
in memory of Farokh’s parents
Yitzhak Shafizadeh Hakimi z”l and Rivka Shafizadeh Hakimi z”l

Dedicated by Caren and Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner
in honour of the outstanding avreichim
of the Beit Midrash

Dedicated by Danny & Ellen Gordon
in memory of Ruchama Chava Rochel
bas Alta Chaya Esther and Mordechai Shmuel


10:30-11:00 AM Yericho:
Israel Rebranded
R’ Mordechai Torczyner
Dedicated by Dalia and Farokh Hakimi
in memory of Farokh’s parents
Yitzhak Shafizadeh Hakimi z”l and Rivka Shafizadeh Hakimi z”l

Dedicated by Eddie and Lisa Jesin
in commemoration of the yahrtzeit
of Lisa’s father Jocelyn Zuck, Yehoshua ben Yonatan z”l

Dedicated by Sarah and Harry Roz
L’Zecher nishmat Sarah’s mother, בּילה בּת יוסף יהודה,
whose first yahrtzeit will take place on כ”ג טבת


11:00-11:30 AM Yam haMelach:
When Was the Dead Sea Born?
R’ Yehuda Mann
Dedicated by Shayna & Lazer Friedman
in memory of Shayna’s parents
HaRav Yechiel Michel ben HaRav Eliezer Lipa
and Malka bat Reb Chaim Yehoshua z”l

Dedicated by Caren and Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner
in honour of Ronit Bendayan


11:30-12:00 PM Shechem:
Shouldering the Fate of a Nation
R’ Chaim Metzger
Dedicated by Dalia and Farokh Hakimi
in memory of Farokh’s parents
Yitzhak Shafizadeh Hakimi z”l and Rivka Shafizadeh Hakimi z”l

Dedicated by Earle Glicksman
in memory of his parents
Moshe ben Sol Leibich z”l and Rochel bat Aidle z”l

1:00-1:30 PM Valley of Yehoshaphat:
Home of Judgment Day
R’ Mordechai Torczyner
Dedicated by Dalia and Farokh Hakimi
in memory of Dalia’s parents
Fredda Grosser z”l and Samuel Grosser z”l

Dedicated by Tova and Allan Gutenberg
in honour of the wonderful work
the Beit Midrash does

Dedicated by
Shoshanna Schapira, Lea and Yaakov Hollander
and Orly and Leslie Reich
in loving memory of our dear mother,
Hadassah Bat Avraham a”h,
on her 4th yahrtzeit 26 Tevet

1:30-2:00 PM The Cave of Machpelah:
Who Is Buried In the
Cave of Machpelah?
R’ Dr. Moshe Yeres
Dedicated by David and Chani Klein
in memory of Zvi Hersh ben Peretz z”l

Dedicated by Morris Sosnovitch
in honour of Rav Yeres
for his dedication to the Seder Boker shiurim

Dedicated by Neville and Lyn Richter
in memory of their parents and grandparents z”l

2:00-2:30 PM Mount of Olives:
Past, Present & Future
R’ Dr. Seth Grauer
Dedicated by Ellen Warner and Jeff Lipton
to honour the memory of Jeff’s ancestors
buried over hundreds of years on the Mt. of Olives

Dedicated by Judith Laxer and Jeffrey Lipsitz
in memory of Jeffrey’s great-grandmother, Chana bat Meir z”l,
who is buried there

Dedicated by Dahlia Balaban
li’Iluy nishmat
Zev Yitzchak ben Shmuel Yosef Halevi z”l

2:30-3:00 PM Sdom:
The City That Burned
Miriam Bessin
לעילוי נשמת אמנו מורתנו מרת מרים בת ר’ שמעון וברכה ז”ל
In loving memory of our dear mother Marion Bessin ז”ל
The Bessin and Aronson Families

Dedicated by Dalia and Farokh Hakimi
in memory of Farokh’s brother
Abraham Shafizadeh Hakimi z”l

3:00-3:30 PM Shiloh:
The Destruction
You’ve Never Heard Of
R’ Hillel Horovitz
Dedicated by Dalia and Farokh Hakimi
in memory of Dalia’s parents
Fredda Grosser z”l and Samuel Grosser z”l

Dedicated by Tova and Allan Gutenberg
in honour of the wonderful work
the Beit Midrash does

3:30-4:00 PM Gilgal:
Saul: King or Satire?
Idan Rakovsky
Dedicated by Robbie and Brian Schwartz
in honour of the Rabbis and Avreichim
of Beit Midrash Zichron Dov

Dedicated by Dov and Jane Goldberg
with gratitude for
the amazing programming from Toronto Torah!

Dedicated anonymously in honour of Idan Rakovsky
for generously sharing Torah with us

On-line Donation Options

All donations are tax deductible in Canada to the full extent allowed by the CRA.
Please donate at our donation page.

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