Beit Midrash Zichron Dov

Engaging and inspiring the Jewish community of the Greater Toronto Area since 2009.
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The mission of Beit Midrash Zichron Dov is to create a communal atmosphere of learning, engaging and inspiring the Jewish community of the Greater Toronto Area. We apply our Torah heritage to the daily lives of modern Jews in our home Beit Midrash at Yeshivat Or Chaim and in the synagogues, campuses and workplaces of the GTA.


Making an Impact with Community Education

In any given week of the year, we offer 20-25 classes and programs for a broad variety of audiences in a range of venues. Each year, some 1500-2000 individuals sign in at our weekday programs.

Uplifting the Lives of University Students

Dozens of university students engage in serious Torah learning on a weekly basis.


Highlights of our 15th year!

See What People Are Saying About Us:

Rabbi Torczyner is a master educator. He has been my chavrusa for the past year and half and our meetings are now one of the highlights of my week. I have never met a Rabbi with such a breadth of knowledge in all areas of Judaism. He is a gift to the Toronto Jewish Community.

Matthew F.

When I got back to Toronto from yeshiva, I was worried that there wouldn’t be a place for me to continue learning and growing.  I had been on such a high from Israel and I was searching for a way to keep that going here. When I discovered the YU kollel, I knew right away that this was my answer. For the past year and a half I have been learning in the kollel at Or Chaim for a couple hours in the mornings. It’s incredible! The atmosphere is amazing and warm and the kol torah is like no other. Rabbi Torczyner, Rabbi Ziring and the avreichim are always there for us whenever we have any questions and even set up a personalized chabura based on our needs. I can’t imagine a better way to start off my day every morning!

Ariel Shields

I have had the privilege of learning with Rabbi Torczyner over the past two years in the Bronka Weintraub Bekius Program.  I look forward to his weekly Thursday lunch shiur which is  both  thought provoking and challenging. Rabbi Torczyner delivers all the tools necessary for success in Gemara.  I have had the zechut of learning Gemara in a Yeshiva environment for a few years now, however I can honestly say that I have never felt the commitment or enthusiasm for learning as I do now since joining this program. Continued success to the YU Beit Medrash.

Yaakob Bendayan, Grade 11

Years serving the Toronto Community

Partner Synagogues and Schools

Monthly Classes

Annual Participants