The source sheets for most of the classes are available for download in a packet here. [Note that the packet contains sheimot.]
Ben and Lea Lax, Dov ben Mordechai z”l and Leah bat Toviah z”l.
May their neshamot benefit from our community’s learning.
in honour of the Rosh Beit Midrash, Sganim and Avreichim,
for a year of berachah and hatzlachah.
Table of Contents
List of Classes and Dedications
On-Line Donation Options
The Full “Tishrei in a Day” flyer
To dedicate a specific class from this list for $180, please email aya@torontotorah.com.
To make a general donation of any amount, please go here, and write “Tishrei” and your dedication text (optional) in the memo option.
Time | Program | Speaker | Dedication |
10:00-10:30 AM Elul |
The Gift of Teshuvah | R’ Yehuda Mann | Dedicated by Paul and Chavi Jacobs to commemorate the yahrzeit of Paul’s mother, Pearl Schraub Jacobs, Perel Hadassah bas Yosef, a”h |
10:30-11:00 AM Elul |
L’David: Understanding the Minhag and Meaning | R’ Aaron Greenberg | Dedicated by Lazer and Shayna Friedman l’ilui nishmat Malka bat Chaim Yehoshua z”l, mother of Shayna Friedman |
11:00-11:30 AM Rosh Hashanah |
A Closer Look at the Poetry of the Rosh Hashanah Prayers | Mrs. Sharon Fixler | Dedicated by Joyce Lambert In memory of Mrs. Fixler’s grandmother Leah bat Yitzchak z”l |
11:30-12:00 PM Rosh Hashanah |
Approaching Rosh Hashanah with a Mission | R’ Mordechai Torczyner | Dedicated by Nathan Kirsh in memory of my beloved parents, Lou & Ruth Kirsh z”l and my beloved brother Jerry z”l Dedicated by |
12:00-1:00 PM Succot |
The Great Lulav-Succah Debate | R’ Jared Anstandig | Dedicated by Nathan Kirsh in honour of the Rosh Beit Midrash, the Sganim and Avreichim for a year of berachah and hatzlachah. |
1:00-1:30 PM Yom Kippur |
Diving with Whales in the Ocean of Truth |
Idan Rakovsky | Dedicated by David and Chani Klein for the merit of those looking for a shidduch Dedicated by |
1:30-2:00 PM Yom Kippur |
A Recipe for Good Judgment | R’ Steven Gotlib | Dedicated by Avraham Fast in memory of his father, who passed away on September 11, 2011 |
2:00-2:30 PM Succot |
Hakhel: Mitzvah and Messages for 2022 | R’ Seth Grauer | Dedicated by Helene and Debbie Bauer Missing our beloved parents Adele and Eugene Bauer z”l and dear friends Orli Kohn z”l, Richard Gottheil z”l, Faigie Kaplan z”l, Cherie Feiger z”l and Dr. Mordy Silverberg z”l. May their neshamas have an aliya. |
2:30-3:00 PM Succot |
The Craft to Graft Super Citrons | R’ Moshe Yeres | Dedicated by Joseph and Ruth Rudner In honour of Dr. Patricia Bucki at the Volcani Institute in Israel, for her work in the field of botany Dedicated by |
3:00-3:30 PM Shemini Atzeret Simchat Torah |
Prayin’ for Rain | R’ Jared Anstandig | Dedicated by Dov and Jane Goldberg in appreciation of Toronto Torah |
3:30-4:00 PM Shemini Atzeret Simchat Torah |
A Holiday About Nothing? | R’ Mordechai Torczyner | Dedicated by Irv and Rina Gottesman in honour of our grandchildren, the future builders Ezra, Ariella, Jackson, Tyler and Dylan |
All donations are tax deductible in Canada to the full extent allowed by the CRA.
Please donate at our donation page.