The Nusbaum Family Medical Halachah and Ethics Institute

Welcome to the Nusbaum Family Medical Halachah and Ethics Institute!

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The following titles link to audio recordings of classes presented by Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner in our Nusbaum Family Medical Halachah and Ethics Institute. Please click the titles to go to the recordings, which are available free of charge. The list is up-to-date through Spring 2024.

Past Medical Ethics Sessions

The Double Effect (Dec 2010)
Toxic Treatments During Pregnancy (Feb 2012)
Human Dignity in Medical Halachah (Nov 2012)
Genetic Screening in Judaism (Jan 2014)
Genetic Screening in Judaism (May 2014)
Genetic Screening in Judaism (June 2024)
Medical Assistance in Dying (Dec 2014)
Giving Up in Judaism (Dec 2015)
Vaccination (Nov 2016)
End of Life Care: Withholding, Withdrawing and MAiD (June 2021)
Alternative Medicine, Part 1 (Feb 2021)
Alternative Medicine, Part 2 (Feb 2021)
End of Life Care: Practical Decision-Making (Jan 2022)
Artificial Intelligence Technology and Medical Decisions (Jun 2022)
Dealing with Difficult Patients (May 2023)
Compelling Medical Treatment (Jun 2023)
Duty to Follow Medical Advice (Nov 2014)
Elective Surgery (Jan 2016)
Pandemic: Human Challenge Trials (May 2020)
Alternative Medicine, Part 1 (Feb 2021)
Alternative Medicine, Part 2 (Feb 2021)
Guidelines for Intimate Medical Care (Dec 2011)
Guidelines for Intimate Medical Care (May 2014)
Minyan vs Medicine (Mar 2012)
Minyan vs Medicine (May 2012)
Enabling Patients to Violate Jewish Law (Oct 2013)
Enabling Patients to Violate Jewish Law (Sep 2016)
How does a Doctor Choose a Rabbi? (Feb 2016)
Practicing in the Jewish Community Pt 1 (Apr 2018)
Practicing in the Jewish Community Pt 2 (Dec 2018)
Bereavement and the Physician (Feb 2020)
How Should a Doctor Advise a Rabbi? (Oct 2020)
Conflict of Interest in Medical Practice (Feb 2024)
Patient Consent Pt 1 (Oct 2010)
Patient Consent Pt 2 (Nov 2010)
Patient Consent: Abridged (Oct 2012)
Confidentiality of Patient Data Pt 1 (Mar 2011)
Confidentiality of Patient Data Pt 2 (May 2011)
Medical Malpractice (Nov 2013)
Charging for Healthcare Pt 1 (Dec 2014)
Charging for Healthcare Pt 2 (Jan 2015)
Charging for Healthcare: Abridged (Apr 2015)
Minors and Medicine: Who Decides? (Nov 2015)
Informing of a Terminal Diagnosis (Nov 2017)
Medical Treatment for Terrorists (Jan 2017)
Cognitive Bias and Decision-Making (Jun 2018)
Taking Call on Shabbat (Apr 2021)
Dealing with Difficult Patients (May 2023)
Compelling Medical Treatment (Jun 2023)
Community Spending for Healthcare (Dec 2019)
Pandemic: Self-Endangerment to Treat (Apr 2020)
Pandemic: Triage and Ventilators (Apr 2020)
Pandemic: Universal DNRs (Apr 2020)
Pandemic: The Cost of a Lockdown (May 2020)
Pandemic: Use of Unproven Medicines (Apr 2020)
Pandemic: Use of Unproven Medicines (May 2020)
How Should a Doctor Advise a Rabbi? (Oct 2020)
Infection Control in the COVID Era (Jan 2021)
Mental Health and the Role of Communal Institutions (Nov 2021)


Past Medical Halachah (Jewish Law) Sessions

Medical Imaging on Shabbat (Jun 2011)
Data Entry on Shabbat (Nov 2011)
Pills: Kashrut, Pesach and Yom Kippur (Nov 2011)
IV Injections on Shabbat (Dec 2011)
Taking Call on Shabbat (Jan 2012)
Attending Conferences on Shabbat (Jun 2012)
Medical Care on Yom Tov (Apr 2013)
Diabetes on Shabbat (Jan 2015)
CPAP Machines on Shabbat (Dec 2018)
Dental Emergencies on Shabbat (May 2020)
Taking Call on Shabbat (Apr 2021)
The Kohen as Physician (Jan 2012)
Issues in Elder Care (Jan 2013)
Medical Assistance in Dying (Dec 2014)
Giving Up in Judaism (Dec 2015)
Vaccination (Nov 2016)
Cosmetic Surgery (Jan 2016)
Cosmetic Surgery (Mar 2017)
Permanent Makeup (Mar 2017)
Micropigmentation and Tattoos (Mar 2017)
The Total Artificial Heart (Jan 2019)
Blood and Live Organ Donation (Sep 2019)
Alternative Medicine, Part 1 (Feb 2021)
Alternative Medicine, Part 2 (Feb 2021)
Gender Dysphoria in Judaism (Feb 2022)
Ozempic, Wegovy an the New Wave of Weight Loss Medications (Oct 2023)
Updating the Determination of Death (Apr 2024)
Treating Anxiety and Depression (Jan 2011)
Treating Anxiety and Depression (Apr 2013)
Issues in Treating Dementia (Dec 2013)
Issues in Treating Dementia (Jun 2014)
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Mar 2014)
Stress in Jewish Law (Apr 2016)
Logotherapy (Nov 2017)
Mental Health & Mitzvot (Feb 2019)
Seeking Psychological Counseling (Jan 2020)
Helping Patients and Their Families Deal with Mental Illness (Oct 2021)
Eating Disorders in Judaism (Jan 2023)
The Shoteh: Judaism and the Irrational Patient (Feb 2023)
Dementia (Dec 2023)
Surgeries Affecting Reproduction (Feb 2011)
Fertility Treatments (Jun 2017)
Abortion (Jan 2018)
Family Planning in Judaism (May 2022)
Bone Grafts and Implants (Oct 2012)
Braces, Crowns and Mikvah (Feb 2013)
Kashrut and Dental Devices (May 2013)
Forensic Dentistry in a Rabbinical Court (Nov 2013)
Dentistry in Tanach and Talmud (Jan 2014)
Dental Emergencies on Shabbat (May 2020)