Tanach in a Day: Jews and Non-Jews

Welcome to the homepage of our Tanach in a Day: Jews and Non-Jews program, which was held on Sunday December 25, 2022, the seventh day of Chanukah!
We offered 10 30-minute sessions, and a special Lunch and Learn, on the theme of: Jews, Non-Jews, and the relationships between them in Tanach.
We broadcast the sessions on YouTube Live, on our channel; you can see recordings on Youtube.
We also posted audio recordings at YUTorah.org.
The source sheet packet is available for download here (Google Drive file).

This event is dedicated by Sarena and David Koschitzky
in memory of Riva Koschitzky z”l.
May her neshamah benefit from our community’s learning.

Lunch is dedicated by Nathan Kirsh
in honour of the Rosh Beit Midrash, Sganim and Avreichim,
for berachah and hatzlachah.

Table of Contents
List of Classes and Dedications
On-Line Donation Options
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Registration for In-Person Participation (required)
There is no registration for viewing the program on YouTube Live.

  • Registration closed at 9 AM Friday December 23.
  • Note: Submitting this form will automatically take you to the Beit Midrash donation page, but the entire program is free of charge.

The List of Classes

To dedicate a specific class from this list, please email aya@torontotorah.com.
To make a general donation of any amount, please go here, and write “Tanach” and your dedication text (optional) in the memo option.



Time Program Speaker Dedication
10:00-10:30 AM The Arc of Bereishit:
Universalism to Particularism
Idan Rakovsky Dedicated by Sarah and Harry Roz
l’iluy nishmat Sarah’s parents,
Asher Zelig ben Tzvi Shlomo z”l and
Baila bat Yoseph Yehuda z”l,
and Harry’s father Naftali ben Tzvi z”l
10:30-11:00 AM The Conversion of Yitro and Ruth R’ Yehuda Mann Dedicated by Shayna and Lazer Friedman
l’iluy nishmat HaRav Yechiel Michel
ben HaRav Eliezer Lipa z”l,
Shayna’s father

Dedicated by Danny and Ellen Gordon
in memory of Aryeh ben Avraham Zalman z”l

11:00-11:30 AM Moshe: Between Egypt and Israel Rebbetzin Emma Taylor Dedicated by Robbie and Brian Schwartz
to commemorate the yahrtzeit of
Brian’s father Frank Schwartz,
Ephraim ben Noach z”l
11:30 AM-12:00 PM The Ban on Intermarriage:
Is It Racist?
R’ Mordechai Torczyner Dedicated by Fran and David Woolf and Family
in commemoration of the yahrtzeit
(3rd day of Chanukah)
of David’s father Sidney Woolf,
Shimon ben Yitzchak Gershon z”l
12:00-1:00 PM Battlefield Ethics R’ Yehuda Mann Dedicated by Nathan Kirsh
in honour of the Rosh Beit Midrash, Sganim and Avreichim,
for berachah and hatzlachah
1:00-1:30 PM Jews and Non-Jews
in the Book of Yehoshua
R’ Steven Gotlib Dedicated by the Goldman Family
l’ilui nishmas
HaRav haGaon Dayan Chanoch
ben Yisroel HaKohen zt”l
on the occasion of the shloshim

Dedicated by Mitchell Morgenstern
for the yahrtzeit of
Belka bas Avraham Shemuel
and Chana Feigel z”l (Beverly Sklar)

1:30-2:00 PM The Wolf and the Lamb,
Russia and Ukraine
Idan Rakovsky Dedicated by the Zobin family
in memory of Zena’s father
Yakov Moshe ben Yitzhak Zvi HaKohen z”l
2:00-2:30 PM Tyre: Friend or Foe? R’ Mordechai Torczyner Dedicated by Rina and Irving Gottesman
in honour of our grandchildren,
Ezra, Ariella, Jackson, Tyler and Dylan.
May they be blessed with always wanting to learn more.Dedicated by Dianna and Ricky Zauderer
2:30-3:00 PM Yonah, Nachum and Nineveh Ms. Miriam Bessin לעילוי נשמת אמנו מורתנו מרת מרים בת ר’ שמעון וברכה ז”ל
In loving memory of
our dear mother Marion Bessin ז”ל
The Bessin and Aronson FamiliesDedicated by the Sosnovitch family
in honour of our female educators
3:00-3:30 PM Yechezkel, Jews,
Non-Jews and Olam HaBa
R’ Steven Gotlib Dedicated by Agnes and David Miller,
keep up the good work!
3:30-4:00 PM Iyov: Jew or Non-Jew? R’ Mordechai Torczyner Dedicated by Rikki Blitt
in gratitude for
the wonderful learning
with Rabbi TorczynerDedicated by Eddie and Lisa Jesin
in honour of the recent birth
of their grandson
Isaac Leo (Yitzchak Levi)

Dedicated by Neville and Lyn Richter
in memory of their parents z”l

On-line Donation Options

All donations are tax deductible in Canada to the full extent allowed by the CRA.
Please donate at our donation page.

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