Welcome to the homepage of our Tanach: Book of Illness and Healing program,
held on Sunday December 27, 2020, on ZOOM at http://tiny.cc/tanachday!
We delivered 13 sessions about cases of illness and healing in Tanach!
Each session lasted 30 minutes, and looked at the text of Tanach and what it can teach us.
The source sheet packet is now downloadable here.
We broadcast the sessions on Facebook Live as well, here!
Audio recordings of many sessions are now available here.
Videos are also available for some of the sessions, here.
Table of Contents
Our Event Trailer!
List of Classes and Dedications
On-Line Donation Options
The Full “Tanach: Book of Illness and Healing” Advertisement
To dedicate a specific class from this list, please email info@torontotorah.com.
To make a general donation of any amount, please go here, and write “Tanach” and your dedication text (optional) in the memo option.
Time | Program | Speaker | Dedication |
9:30-10:00 AM | Devarim 28: Illness as Punishment? |
R’ Alex Hecht | l’zecher nishmat Zvi Hersh ben Peretz z”l Dedicated by Ellen & Danny Gordon |
10:00-10:30 AM | Yeshayah 38: The Humbling of King Chizkiyahu |
R’ Mordechai Torczyner | keep up the good work! Dedicated by Rabbi Daniel Korobkin in honour of |
10:30-11:00 AM | Bereishit 32: Yaakov Will Never Walk Alone |
Netanel Klein | in honour of their grandchildren. May they be blessed with always wanting to learn Torah Dedicated by Esther Katz |
11:00-11:30 AM | Bamidbar 12: When Miriam had to Quarantine |
Miriam Bessin | לעילוי נשמת אמנו מורתנו מרת מרים בת ר’ שמעון וברכה ז”ל In loving memory of our dear mother, Marion Bessin, ז”ל The Bessin and Aronson Families Dedicated by Moshe and Brenda Bessin Dedicated by Robbie and Brian Schwartz Dedication by Jeffrey C. Silver in honour of
11:30 AM-12:00 PM | Shemot 15: Bittersweet Medicine |
R’ Sammy Bergman | in memory of her husband Jack Yaakov Kahn z”l, and her son Zvi Dov Shmuel Kahn z”l Dedicated by Jonah and Elizabeth Turk |
12:00-12:30 PM | Melachim I 18: When Eliyahu Cured Shaul |
R’ Mordechai Torczyner | for the Refuah Sheleimah of Yoel ben Gittle Faige Dedicated by Allen and Annie Heber Dedicated by Eddie and Lisa Jesin
12:30-1:00 PM | Melachim I 17: The Healer and the Healed |
Mrs. Lori Grysman | with appreciation and thanks |
7:00-7:30 PM | Shemuel I 16: Saul: Interface of Psychology and Theology |
R’ Dr. Moshe Yeres | in memory of Shayna’s parents הרב יחיאל מיכל בן הרב אליעזר ליפא ז”ל ומלכה בת ר’ חיים יהושע ז”ל and for a refuah sheleimah for ישראל מאיר בן שרה Dedicated by Neville and Lyn Richter |
7:30-8:00 PM | Divrei haYamim II 16: King Asa: The Doctor King |
R’ Chaim Metzger | in memory of Shayna’s parents הרב יחיאל מיכל בן הרב אליעזר ליפא ז”ל ומלכה בת ר’ חיים יהושע ז”ל and for a refuah sheleimah for ישראל מאיר בן שרה |
8:00-8:30 PM | Daniel 4: Nevuchadnezzar: Man, Tree, Beast |
R’ Mordechai Torczyner | in memory of Shayna’s parents הרב יחיאל מיכל בן הרב אליעזר ליפא ז”ל ומלכה בת ר’ חיים יהושע ז”ל and for a refuah sheleimah for ישראל מאיר בן שרה Dedicated by Jay and Deena Goldberg |
8:30-9:00 PM | Shemuel I 5: The Ark Affliction |
R’ Sammy Bergman | in memory of Ruth’s parents, Esther and Saul Albin z”l Dedicated by Rabbi Avraham and Laya Witty |
9:00-9:30 PM | Bereishit 19: Biblical Blindness and Benevolent Blessings |
R’ Seth Grauer | in memory of Joseph’s parents, Mildred and Alexander Rudner z”l Dedicated by Rabbi Avraham and Laya Witty |
9:30-10:00 PM | Melachim II 5: The Healing Power of the Jordan? |
Ezer Diena | in honour of the fabulous avreichim of Beit Midrash Zichron Dov of Toronto |
Any amount is welcome, and we are happy to list dedications here!
All donations are tax deductible in Canada to the full extent allowed by the CRA.
Please donate at our donation page